Friday, August 22, 2014

Platformer Analysis- Sonic!

For my analysis, I chose Sonic Sega Genesis. I used to play it a lot when I was a kid, and grew to love it. 
The pacing of the game is rapid, and is exciting to the player because Sonic is always running fast. It's as if you were riding a roller coaster but you could control everywhere you go. The player will never be bored because of the rapid speed and the spacing of enemies throughout the course.

The layout is simple so that the player can run with ease without any confusion from the course. This makes the game easy to play for everybody while having fun.

With upcoming levels, there are more twists and turns throughout the course, as well as harder enemies. Sometimes there is water that will rise on the course to give the player more anxiety.

There are many enemies in the game, from jumping fish to mini robots.

Here's a walkthrough (or runthrough) of the sonic level.

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