Friday, September 26, 2014

Game Mechanic Ideas

Now that we've finished the shooter project, we're moving onto creating a game mechanic. Here's some of my ideas of what I would like to do:

1. Grappling hook: A simple hook mechanic that would pull the player to wherever they aimed the curser
2. Mechanic that shoots ice and "freezes" enemies in place
3. Clinging double pulley ropes (like in Attack on Titan): This would be really cool to do and the player would be able to have sort of a spider man swing and cling motion to fly through buildings.
4. Evolution of form: Meaning the player gathers an object that would make them evolve into a stronger form.
5. Claw climbers (like wolverine claws): Claws that can latch onto walls so that the character can climb and get around
6. Hoverboard: Possibly have some sort of hover board that the player can use to navigate to higher areas at a faster speed with more ease.
7. Up copter: The player can grab an object that will move them upward. Player would stand underneath it and the object would raise the player up to a higher point
8. Zip line: The player can use it to travel between buildings
9 Portal: So that players can teleport from one area to another
10: Electric shocker spary: A glove that sends out sparks to stun enemies
11: Simple Jump pad

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