Monday, October 7, 2013

Theme and Concept Statement for "Marmora"

Concept Statement: "Gather your savior, or your enemies will"
"Fight for your survival, or freeze"

Theme: The quest for power
This theme matches my board game because of the overall goal in my game. There are 2 kingdoms that are stuck in a never-ending winter. Magical marbles at the center of the board hold the power to provide necessary warmth for each kingdom. The kingdom that is able to claim all of the needed amount of marbles will live in warmth and comfort while the other kingdom suffers through the bitter winter curse. For a player to win the game, they must send their three fantasy creatures to fetch the marbles and return to their kingdom  However, each player has opportunities to control the opponents creatures, as well as benefit their own. Depending on an even or odd roll of the dice, depends if they draw a "Trap" or "Enchant" card. A trap card gives the player power to disable, set back, or damage one of the opponent's creatures. An enchant card helps the player's own creatures by restoring health points to their creatures, moving their creatures forward, or temporary immunity. Each player has the option to either play a card immediately or to hold it and play it later, giving multiple opportunities to "troll" and control their opponent. This is why the "quest for power" theme fits the game.

A great example of a book with "Power" as a theme is 1984. With the constant surveillance among the community, nobody dares do anything against "Big brother" in fear that they will meet a terrible fate. The community has an arranged schedule and little freedom to do anything that they want to do. When the main character has a love affair with someone he's not supposed to,  he is sent to meet his fate. The "party" controls him by pairing him with a particular torture that applies only to him. In my game, the trap cards apply to certain creatures, landing on certain spots, and being in a certain location. The players are able to wait until their opponent falls under one of those situations, and then attack.

 In this impacting movie, "power" is to kill. Nazis begin their control over the Jews from the beginning of the film, tearing them apart from family members and then stripping them till they are left with nothing. Lined up like animals for slaughter, they have no control over their fate. The Nazis will kill Jews in front of others, setting a constant fear into the remaining Jews and the Nazis have a significant power from this. With the ability to kill off any Jew at any time, the Nazis have a constant power."Marmora" has a similar power aspect, with each player only knowing their own trap cards, can kill off or attack an opponents creature without the opponent sensing anything coming.

The color scheme for my "Marmora" game is fairly simple. I wanted colors that were close to each other and represented winter or coldness. The red marble is the main contrast with these colors since it represents the only warmth in the game. 

Here is an example of what my game board will look like. 

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