Thursday, October 17, 2013

"Marmora" playtests

Play tested "Marmora" with multiple people. 
I had the boys play test against each other during the night. Both seemed to enjoy the strategy parts of the game, waiting until the right moment to play certain trap cards. During our Game Design club, I got some good advice from some of the upperclassmen. My game at that point, still needed to be shortened quite a bit, which made it more difficult to play. There were also some cards that were broken, either being too powerful or not powerful enough. Though they said the game was fun and had a good time "trolling" each other, there was a bunch of small details that I needed to fix. When I made the updated printed board and cards, I realized that there was still a few problems with the cards, even after I altered them a bit. The creature pieces were more balanced, and I gave more opportunities to use strategy to win the game I think after I fix these next few problems involving the cards and the board, then the game should be good to go :)

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