Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Particle Spasms!

Finished some particles. Still learning on layering materials correctly so I can make a large star explosion for my level. Here's the few that I've made.

We'll start from the smallest up :) Here's just a little baby star that rotates and throbs slightly for quick glisten in the space-light. Made with just one layer

Next are my coins. In my level I have broken slot machines. I want these exploding coins to be flying out of the machines. They explode in random directions

A very simple spark particle effect, nothing fancy. These would be used on my slot machines as well for differences in particle designs.

Blue falling sparks! Took a while to figure out this one correctly. These will be falling from my neon lights in one of my casino rooms. Like so, below.
Neon throw-up everywhere! Level is still in progress.

Last but not least, I made a thing. I was experimenting with some particle properties and created a ridiculously flashy firework/star? Hmm. Since this attracts my attention a lot, I'm putting this cluster ball of randomness by my space billboard advertisements. Like so, below, by the corners of the poster. :)

Once I get these particles placed correctly in my level, a video is in order! 

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