Monday, August 26, 2013

When it comes to picking a favorite game trailer, this is definitely one of my best candidates. Though I have not yet been privileged to play Saints Row The Third,  the trailer got me excited for it before the game was released. The trailer is accompanied with the song, "Power," by Kanye West, which fits perfectly because the trailer captures the sense of "power" through the cinematic scenes. The creative angles that are used around the characters gives viewers an idea that those characters are more empowered (AKA badass). The camera is always in a constant circular motion, which gives a feeling of higher energy. I enjoy the beginning when the 3 characters are waiting by the elevator. There is a sense of tension, because you don't know what to expect in their hesitation until a few moments later.I love the random slow motions that occur during certain parts of the trailer because it adds more drama to the scene. I also love the entrance into the party. We can already tell what type of environment this is with the help of the slow motion focussing on certain areas. The use of color also compliments the party scenario. The cool color palette, with random glows of red really fits with the dramatic environment.  Overall, the energy, color, and overall flow of this Saints Row trailer are what stood out to me. It's definitely one of my most favorite trailers. 

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