Monday, January 26, 2015

WIP zbrush sculpt: Bust

For my first zbrush assignment, I'm making a bust of a goblin from a sketch I drew. I love sculpting, and will definitely learn a lot in this class. Here's the concept of this little mischievous dude and his WIP sculpts.

WIP shots. Haven't worked on the hair at this point, but are roughing out the expressions I will do in the final

Friday, December 5, 2014

WIP sketch: Native

Here's a WIP sketch of a tribal woman that I'm working on. I'm experimenting with using only one or two brushes for this piece

Biome Project: Mysterious Forest

This was the first project of the semester, and we had to create an appealing environment of our choosing. I wanted to do a mysterious forest that led to a dark cave.

Here's the final beauty shots of it.

Articulated Machine: Steampunk mechanical arm

Here's a rough render of my articulated machine, that was eventually made and animated in 3D form

WIP Queen of Hearts

Here's a WIP of my dark interpretation of my Queen of Hearts

Boss final

Here's the final turn-a-round and render of my boss character, Lady Liona

Evil Taxidermy Workshop final

Here's the final screenshots and video of my evil taxidermy environment